Saturday, March 15, 2014

Happy Quilting Day!!

I'm back!!!  I thought that Worldwide Quilting Day would be a perfect day for me to make my reappearance into the blog-world.

The reason for my long absence?  Life!  Life had gotten in the way.  I had started a part-time job that I love.  The boys are getting older and their schedules have become busier.  And a minor medical ailment that has zapped all my energy... I just got so busy that blogging had been set aside for later, and now later has become almost a year!

I have made a promise to myself to create a post at least once a month.  I started this blog to keep track of my quilting and I had enjoyed it immensely before.  Now I will post about store samples I'm working on or my own projects, so no more excuses!!

Hope to be back soon with some photos.


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