Wednesday, February 22, 2012

SONOMA ROSE : Publication Day

Well actually, it was yesterday! 

I had received the new issue of Jennifer Chiaverini's book, Sonoma Rose from the library yesterday.  It has been since this last November when her last book had come out and I have been anxiously waiting for this new one.  It continues the story from The Quilter's Homecoming.  It continues the story with Rosa, as she disappears in the last book.

And it seems that I'm going to have a lot of reading to do.  My older son had started reading the Hunger Games book series.  He had found out that a movie had been made from the first book and it will be released next month. He is wanting me to read the book before we watch it at the theater together.

My younger son is wanting me to take him to watch The Secret World Arietty, at the movie theater, this weekend.  Since the movie is based from the book The Borrows, we have made a deal with each other that we will read it this summer (we have a few books to read before we can start with this one!).

I am so fortunate that my children love reading and engross themselves into their stories.  I hadn't found my love of books until later in my life, but yet, I can now accompany them in this journey right along with them.

Jane  <3

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