Although, Spring is my favorite season, Autumn follows a very close second. I love the cooling of the temperature. I love jacket weather.
But most of all, I love the color change the tree demonstrate this time of year. I have lived in California and Florida, which are both known for their favorable weather, but neither can compare to the beauty that we have here in Indiana this time of the year.
After school yesterday, my sons and I drove around town to take some photographs of the colors outside. I'm feeling a bit of urgency because all the leaves may disappear the next morning, if we should have some sort of wind storm come through during the night.
Just recently, I have come across some interesting information about trees and their colors.
During the spring and the summer, the function of the leaves is to collect sunlight with their chlorophyl, which is the color green we all see. During autumn, as the temperature drops, chlorophyl production also drops because the tree will soon become dormant when winter's snow and ice arrive. As the green chlorophyl diminishes, we see the true color of the leaves: the yellows, oranges, reds, occasional purples and peaches.
It seems a little unfair that the Lord only allows us the enjoy all these beautiful colors for such a short period of time! It feels as if there is a hidden deadline. We are never sure when autumn will end and the winter weather will unofficially arrive.
And speaking of deadlines, me and my boys have just successfully met a deadline. At my husband's work, they produce a safety calendar, that they pass out to their employees, using their children's artwork. Specific categories are specified for each age group - such as "slip and fall safety" or "poison/chemical safety." They have done this each year that my husband has worked there and my sons have participated each year.
We are usually given a good month before the deadline to work on their drawings. But this year, my dear husband had brought the entry forms home this last Tuesday. And just guess the deadline, they needed to be turned in by the following Friday! That's just 4 days! (he says that he must have missed the memo announcing the contest and brought the forms home when he found out) And combine it with school, homework, dinner and showers, there isn't much time left over. In the short amount of time, we did finish them on time but I had to help them a little bit. I'm hoping that it isn't too noticeable that Mommy had to helped them this year. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed. The expression on their faces when they win is just priceless!
Next, I'm planning on working on a lab coat for my son's Einstein costume. I'm hoping that it won't too much time, it look simple enough. Will have photos of that once it's done.